Global Campaign on Climate Crisis Launched in New Delhi

On November 21, educators, students and youth participated in the global dialogue on the climate crisis in New Delhi, India led by Shri. Ashok K Pandey, Director of Ahlcon Schools and Chairperson of the Global Citizenship Education.

24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action is a global dialogue and action campaign on the climate crisis, launched by former US Vice President Al Gore.


This global campaign is led across 80 countries by key climate reality leaders, recognized and personally trained by the former Vice-President launch this campaign in their respective regions and countries.


As a key Climate Reality Leader from India, Ashok K Pandey delivered a presentation and a message from former Vice-President Al Gore at Ahlcon International School, Mayur Vihar-1, Delhi.


The event explored how people from all generations can contribute to resolving the climate crisis faced by India.


The event holds great significance in view of the protests in New Delhi against pollution and in light of the recent crisis faced by many Indian cities.


Mr. Pandey highlighted the recent closure of over 4000 schools as pollution levels skyrocketed to 30 times higher levels than the World Health Organization prescribed a safe limit.


He highlighted the gravity of the climate crisis by pointing out that, in 2017 alone, 13% of all deaths, that is about 1.24 million deaths, are a consequence of the climate crisis in India.


Commending the role of India in mitigating the climate crisis, he appreciated India's resolve of generating 225 gigawatts of electricity through renewable energy sources, by 2022. He said, if the governments achieve such efforts, this could be a big boost in combating the global climate crisis.


One young participant asked the Climate Reality Leader from India, “What can we do to when people say climate change is a hoax?”


“You may be ridiculed, ignored, or even attacked. But we all have to speak truth to power for the sake of our planet and the future of our peoples”  responded Mr. Pandey,


He added, “ Present them with scientific facts and make your case with sensitivity and care”.
